Sunday, January 8, 2012

Black Friday- respect the turkey

What is Thanksgiving anyway? A holiday to give thanks for what we have? celebrate our family and friends? or to go shopping?
This Thanksgiving the answer would have to be GO SHOPPING. With the economy so bad stores decided to not wait until 4 am (which is ridiculous enough) to open but decided to wait until black friday actually began - at Midnight.
We always are in Virginia with cousins for the Thanksgiving holiday - so we drop by Tysons Corner Macys to help out, check their stock and drop off few holiday goodies. Knowing that we are always trying to fit in some sightseeing on Friday, I thought stopping by at Midnight would be much easier, less crowded and would save us time in the am. BOY WAS I WRONG. Driving to the mall at about 12:10 am I passed the wildly long line at Best Buy (which had been there when we went to our cousins 12 hours earlier-

 a little shorter then).
Although Best Buy had opened at midnight the line was still wrapped around the door.

 I proceeded to Tysons Corner and spent 35 minutes trying to find a space. People were already dropping off boxes in their cars and going back for more.

Upon entering it was a party atmosphere. Large groups of people shopping together, LONG lines at all the registers, people with strollers and babies (remember it was now 1 A.M.). It could have been a sale day at noon the crowds were so crazy. I left by about 2 but understand that it was extremely busy until between 3am and 4 am. Personally if I was a Black Friday shopper I  would prefer the Midnight  to the 4 or 5 am shopping time. In actuality I am so thankful to spend time with the various parts of our family that  we get to see on Thanksgiving that I will forego shopping at all (on Black Friday). It did seem to bolster sales and help make this a better retail season than in previous years.

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